Trés Taylor Exhibition "Wild Heart"

“Never let go the reins of the wild colt of the heart.” Buddhist proverb


Join us on September 16th, 2022 from 5pm to 7pm for the Artists reception. Come meet Trés Taylor and view his most recent paintings that are "modern primitive".   This series is about a return to his heart. Trés feels that within his own life and in others, one can get lost. Conceptualizing a veil that separates two worlds; one is tangible and one is magical. This veil becomes thick sometimes separating us from seeing or feeling joy. We no longer see truth and beauty because the veil has been thickened by fear, worry, and pain. Trés struggled in this place of darkness while preparing for this show. His wife and muse reminded him to get out of his thoughts and into his heart. The same day, a staff member at the gallery sent him words of encouragement, “Keep Exploring and painting your heart, … think less, feel more…”. This is exactly where the answer was. Trés Taylor paints about joy. This show, “Wild Heart” reminds us all that the answer is love and it’s available to us all if we simply step out of the shade and into the warmth of the sun. Exhibition through September 25th.

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